Terms and Conditions
It is the intent of Supervita.Com to provide the reader or user of information from this internet site with the most accurate and factual information possible. We are dedicated to providing the user with correct and valuable information, but cannot guarantee its accuracy in specific situations.
Supervita.Com cannot accept any responsibility for any injury or damage that you may cause to yourself, others, or property when following any advice given on this site, in related forums or in email responses to requests for information. Supervita.Com has no control of how you may use information we provide, and there is no way to insure that the methods recommended are proper for your particular situation.
All pages of this website and other communications provided pursuant to this website are for informational and general guidance purposes only. Information provided by this site is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The user assumes the entire risk as to application and the use of this information. E- mail documents received from the website may be copied for the users use only and may not be distributed or otherwise sold or copied for sale or distribution.
Supervita.com Compresents the information on this website as a service to our customers and other internet users. In addition, due to the rapidly changing nature of the law and our reliance on information provided by outside sources, we make no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of other sites to which we link. Links are provided as a service, but Supervita.Com does not intend links to be referrals or endorsements of the linked entities.
The information on this site is presented for the general benefit of the user. This information is non-contractual and non-binding. If you do not agree to not hold Supervita.Com financially or otherwise responsible for any results relating to the use of information acquired from the internet site or its email messages, please leave this site.
Jurisdiction: This website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Pennsylvania, USA, without regard to its choice of law rules.
Any questions, correspondence or articles sent to the website become the property of Supervita.Com and may be excerpted, edited and quoted as needed. As explained in our Privacy Statement, all contact information will remain private.
It will and shall be the customer's responsibility to know the rules and laws pertaining to the city and state in which they live and or are having product shipped to Supervita will and shall not be held liable for customers neglect in knowing the laws that govern the city and state in which the product they (customer) order is to be shipped to.